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Mary Bernard

Mary Bernard
Mary Bernard - The product of two parents with Lockheed Aerospace careers, Mary grew up with aviation, prompting her to pursue pilot training as an adult. Her father, a talented tool-and-die maker and planner, instilled in her an abiding interest in how things are built. For more than a decade, she has been a contributing writer and Managing Editor for KITPLANES®.

Sportair Sirius SLSA Makes First Flight

TL-Ultralight has recently completed a series of test flights of the TL-3000 Sirius in the Czech Republic. The Sirius is a two-passenger, high-wing, carbon-fiber...

Legend Cub Rebate Offer

American Legend Aircraft Company has announced that the company will offer $5000 cash back on its popular Legend Cub certified Light Sport Aircraft with...

Turk Joins JPI

Lance Turk, former president of Vision Microsystems, has accepted the position of director of product development at JP Instruments. Turk brings extensive experience in...

New Product: Set-and-Forget Air Conditioning

Flightline AC, Inc., working in conjunction with Vertical Power, now offers an advanced automatic climate control system (CCS) for Experimental aircraft. The CCS was...

New Product:: Set-and-Forget Air Conditioning

Flightline AC, Inc., working in conjunction with Vertical Power, now offers an advanced automatic climate control system (CCS) for Experimental aircraft. The CCS was a natural to work with the VP-200 solid-state electrical system, says Marc Ausman, president of Vertical Power. Flightline AC provides air conditioning systems to owners of advanced aircraft such as Lancair, Cirrus and the Vans RV-10. Pilots have been asking for automatic CCS features, says Flightline President John Strain.…

New Product: Audio Panel Solutions

Vx Aviation of Vancouver, British Columbia, has announced three products for non-certified aircraft that add capability, reduce cost and potentially simplify audio system installation....

Legend Cub Offers New Prop Option

American Legend Aircraft and Texas Sport Aircraft, manufacturers of the certified Legend Cub LSA and the Texas Sport kit aircraft, announced that the company...

New Product: Pro Pilot Autopilot

Trio Avionics will introduce its new Pro Pilot autopilot at AirVenture Oshkosh next month. The Pro Pilot, which is compatible with Trio’s Gold Standard...

Aussie Outback SLSA to Debut at AirVenture

There’s now another Special Light Sport Aircraft (SLSA) distributor and training provider in the West. Airgyro Aviation, located in Spanish Fork, Utah, is the...

Aussie Outback SLSA to Debut at AirVenture

There's now another Special Light Sport Aircraft (SLSA) distributor and training provider in the West. Airgyro Aviation, located in Spanish Fork, Utah, is the exclusive sales outlet for Higher Class Aviations Sport Hornet and the new Outback SP 2000 from Australias Light Wing. Airgyro also distributes the Sportcopter 2 gyroplane, certified last year.…

In Case You Missed It

Alternative Energies

Dale Kramer invigorated the ultralight movement in the 1970s with the Lazair. Now he's doing it again-with a battery-powered version. By Dean Sigler.

Aero ‘lectrics

So-lar, its been good to know you.

Where Are the Instructions?

Plane and simple.

Ask the DAR

Can a powered parachute be classified as Experimental/Exhibition if it missed the ELSA deadline?