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Mark Phelps

Mark Phelps
Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

EAA ‘Virtual Ultralight Days’

Virtual Ultralight Days will return in 2024 for the third year.
Verhees D2 (Photo: Erik Brouwer)

Verhees D2

The dream of the delta is alive in Belgium.

SubSonex-Based Unmanned Twin-Jet Revealed As Low-Cost Military UAV

Aircraft builders with an active imagination might see a new twin-engine SubSonex in this photo, but don't count on it. Sonex has been open...

ScaledBirds Radial-Powered Curtiss P-36 60% Replica

An airplane-loving design student’s senior project gave rise to a family business dedicated to building scaled replica fighters “the right way.” ScaledBirds is a...

Hartzell’s Presence At Sun ‘n Fun Focuses On Backcountry Flying

Hartzell Propeller’s focus at its Sun ‘n Fun display is backcountry flying, including its carbon fiber Trailblazer and aluminum Voyager props. Hartzell tech experts,...

In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

Break out your laptops, iPhones and iPads. There is a new batch of apps and other software that can help pilots chart their course when traveling cross-country.

Velocity, Increased

The Velocity TXL-5 turbo combines style, sophistication and high performance eminently suited to cross-country sojourns at flight levels.

Flight Testing

Organize your test program beforehand, and you not only maximize your use of time, but also understand your airplane far better than someone who is just running the hours off the clock.

A Cautionary Tail

One Monday morning I opened an email from the second owner of a Onex....