Marc Cook
Van’s Offers Recovery Update
On Monday, Van’s Aircraft’s posted a short video on Facebook and YouTube updating builders on the company’s progress. In late October, the company said...
Develop Today, Sell Tomorrow
While the Experimental world has matured greatly in the last few decades, we’re no longer seeing the rapid rate of change experienced in the 1970s and through the ’80s.
DeltaHawk Studies Hydrogen Power
DeltaHawk Engines announced today that it is launching an effort to run its two-stroke, four-cylinder compression-ignition engine on hydrogen. The company says that it...
Cleaveland Tool’s Novel Outreach
The recent slowdown of Van's Aircraft due to issues with laser-cut parts and the ongoing internal review of the business (due to run through...
GAMI G100UL Unleaded Avgas Flying in a Van’s RV-14
Considering the agita surrounding the long-running search for a lead replacement in avgas, it's not surprising that it's often overlooked that GAMI's G100UL unleaded,...
Kitfox Aircraft Factory Tour
While the KITPLANES crew was horsing around in Homedale, Idaho, flying the riotously fun Super Sport with the Rotax 916 aboard, Kitfox owner John...
A Fine Specimen
There’s something you probably can guess about so-called factory airplanes—examples of Experimental aircraft built for design evaluation as well as press and customer exposure—but...
Brandon and Heather Petersen’s Kitfox Super Sport
Want to know what it's like to build a Kitfox Super Sport? Brandon and Heather Petersen crafted the airplane on our recent cover, which...
Van’s Aircraft Announces Recovery Plan
Van’s Aircraft founder Richard VanGrunsven today announced changes at the company aimed at addressing “serious cash flow issues, which must be addressed quickly to...
Six Cities Vie for Air Racing’s New Home
With the completion of the 2023 Reno Air Races, nearly six decades of racing in the Nevada desert came to an end last month,...