Marc Cook
The Turf War Around MOSAIC
You might think that a long-running proposal to streamline certification and greatly expand (and make far more usable) LSA and sport pilot rules would have the industry locking arm, raising voices in song and, therefore, on a clear path to success. You might, but you’d be wrong.
DeltaHawk Announces Uprated Engines
With 200 hp on tap, the 347-pound (dry) DHK200 closes the gap to the angle-valve Lycoming IO-390.
Garmin Introduces New Radios
Featuring color displays, the new radios are com only (GTR 205) or a nav/com (GTR 215).
Dynon Announces “Relief” For RV Builders
Special rebate on certain Dynon and Advanced Flight Systems products for RV builders.
Van’s: Third-Party Deposits Honored with Price Increase
A long-expected announcement concerning builder deposits made on third-party items—engines, propellers, avionics.
DeltaHawk To Build FWF Package for Van’s RV-14
The first installation will be on Craig Saxton’s already flying RV-14 and is “anticipated to fly during late spring 2024.”
Roundtable on Van’s Laser-Cut Parts Tech Briefing
Van's data shows the laser-cut parts are no more likely to suffer fatigue cracking than punched parts, but there's a lot more to the story as our quartet of experts will explain.
Van’s Aircraft Releases Tech Summary on Laser-Cut Parts
Van’s released a series of documents that are the result of hundreds of fatigue-test coupons and countless hours of data examination and reduction.
Wiring Tool Favorites
The more your build—or modify or maintain your Experimental—the more you come to understand the need for specialist tools.