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Marc Cook

Marc Cook
Marc Cook is a veteran special-interest journalist who started as a staffer at AOPA Pilot in the late 1980s. Marc has built two airplanes, an Aero Designs Pulsar XP and a Glasair Aviation Sportsman, and now owns a 180-hp, recently modernized GlaStar based in western Oregon. Marc has 5000 hours spread over 200-plus types and four decades of flying.

Sun N Fun News: Lycoming Updates on Future Projects

Tuesday at Sun N Fun, Lycoming's Senior Vice President and General Manager, Ian Walsh, announced a continuation of the company's revitalization begun in 2004. Current projects for Experimentals include the Thunderbolt line, which is undergoing refinement and expansion of the options and a big push forward with the IO-580 powerplant. In addition, Walsh announced that Lycoming has received funding from parent company Textron ...

Good Vibrations, Bad Vibrations

Mating a prop to an engine requires more than a big wrench and some safety wire. Follow along on a real propeller vibration test.

Two Weeks to Taxi

Welcome to the first of what we expect to be many web-based updates on KITPLANES big project for the year, the construction of a...

KITPLANES’ New Airplane: The 18-Day Sportsman 2+2.

Welcome to the first of what we expect to be many web-based updates on KITPLANES big project for the year, the construction of a GlaStar Sportsman 2+2, N30KP, that will be both a traveling tool for the staff and a testbed for new equipment and technologies in the future. Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook picks up the story: …

In Case You Missed It

Buying Used Lightning Detection

Avionics guru Larry Anglisano examines the market for used lightning-detection gear.

What’s New

Vizion—Tru Trak Flight Systems’ New Autopilot. By Kitplanes® Staff.


Editor at Large Marc Cook takes to the soapbox to expound on the ever-increasing fees imposed by the FAA.

Gear of the Year 2008

Most of the attendees at Oshkosh AirVenture each year seek out the latest, greatest, craziest, most innovative gear they can find, and our KITPLANES crew is no exception. This year we've come up with some brand new gadgets and some items that have escaped our attention till now but shouldn't have; a staff report.