Marc Cook
What’s Up In the Experimental Engine Market
Are the high prices here to stay? Are alternative engines finding an avenue to success? Are Jet A-burning engines like the DeltaHawk an important part of our future?
Flying With Dynon’s New Emergency Glide Feature
Wouldn't it be nice to have the EFIS and autopilot take over while you diagnose an engine problem? Like having a copilot you don't have to feed.
Lycoming Thunderbolt Engines Update
What's on the horizon for Lycoming and Thunderbolt? Watch to find out.
FAR Revisions to Fix the “LODA Problem”
For owners of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft, the best news is the rescinding of the so-called LODA rule.
Are You Shorthanding?
If you're not careful, your non-building friends will find a way to change the subject.
Van’s RV-15 Prototype Gets a New Tail
Originally conceived with a stabilator—similar to the RV-12’s—the RV-15 is now sporting what appears to be a modified RV-10 tail.
Kitfox Celebrates Forty, Too
To say that Kitfox has been successful since then is an understatement.
MOSAIC Next Steps—an interview with Rian Johnson
In this interview, Rian Johnson looks ahead at the next steps for MOSAIC and offers his perspective for what might come out of the FAA next year when the new rules package is announced.
What’s the Coolest Two-Holer?
Check out the nostalgically cool side-by-side Kay’s Speedster from Timber Tiger Aircraft in this overview with Nick Pfannenstiel.