Marc Cook
Joining the Mass Arrival
This morning our web guru, Omar Filipovic, and I made the trek from our overnight stage in Madison to the Big Show in Oshkosh...
Upper-Left Coasters Head to OSH
Marc and Omar bring the Glastar from Oregon toward Oshkosh. Tonight's stay is Aberdeen, SD, on the way to Madison, WI. There, they will...
Second Time Charm
There’s no other way but to admit that I found dozens of reasons to put this project off. By finally tackling it, though, I...
Van’s Reveals RV-15 Engineering Test Prototype
Van's Aircraft's much anticipated high-wing, backcountry-capable RV-15 broke cover over the weekend when photos taken during the airplane's Phase I testing near Van's Aurora,...
Pioneer Grips New Finish
Pioneer Grips was started by Guy George but was taken over by new owners late last year, and now the company is ramping up...
A Celebration of KRs
I have to admit that the KR has never really had a prominent spot on my radar. Certainly not for any negative reason. Mostly,...
Chris Pryce’s “KR-2S ish”
The Rand-Robinson KR series turns 50 in 2022 and to celebrate KITPLANES has met up with a couple of KR builders and owners to...
Meet KR2-S Owner John Bouyea
Continuing our celebration of 50 years of the KR, we walk around a very special KR-2S built by Roy Marsh and under the current...
AeroLEDs Equinox Vs. the 4509 Landing Light
Does the latest LED technology beat up on the ancient 4509 landing light for Experimental aircraft? You bet it does. Here's KITPLANES editor in...
uAvionix Announces Remote Magnetometer
Since the beginning, the uAvionix AV-30 mini EFIS has had an internal magnetometer—the device used to sense magnetic north and help create a heading...