Marc Cook
Lockwood’s Rotax-powered RV-9 Debuts
If you wander by the Rotax display at AirVenture, you might notice a Van’s RV-9A with an impressive nose job. Under the extended fiberglass...
First Timer’s AirVenture Arrival
How busy is the Oshkosh arrival? Ride along for a portion of columnist Ariana Rayment's first flight into the big show with our EIC...
Long-Awaited LSA Rules Update on the Horizon
After years of work, many revisions and endless meetings, the MOSAIC tree is about to bear fruit as the FAA is poised to release...
Why did CubCrafters make the Carbon Cub UL?
Join us for this detailed discussion of the new Rotax 916-powered Carbon Cub UL with CubCrafters' Brad Damm. He explains the reasons behind adopting...
Dynon Announces D30 Small EFIS
Dynon Avionics' successful SkyView HDX EFIS exists in both Experimental and certified forms but new installations have been complicated by one fact: The certified...
Garmin Introduces GHA 15 “Height Advisor”
AirVenture has not yet begun yet there’s already a new-product announcement from Garmin, which introduced the GHA 15. Most pilots would know it as...
Glasair Aviation Pauses Kit Sales, To Move Production to China
Glasair Aviation has announced that production of the Sportsman kit will be moving from its ancestral home in Arlington, Washington, to Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province,...
Clattering About Diesels
DeltaHawk’s DHK180 engine has received its FAA certification. Yes, that’s the same inverted-vee, four-cylinder, two-stroke Jet A-burning diesel we’ve heard about for years. And,...
Forward by Degrees
I’ve ridden the early adopter bus before—found the seats uncomfortable, the ride jarring and the destination available only after many inconvenient stops. So it...