Home Authors Posts by Marc Cook

Marc Cook

Marc Cook
Marc Cook is a veteran special-interest journalist who started as a staffer at AOPA Pilot in the late 1980s. Marc has built two airplanes, an Aero Designs Pulsar XP and a Glasair Aviation Sportsman, and now owns a 180-hp, recently modernized GlaStar based in western Oregon. Marc has 5000 hours spread over 200-plus types and four decades of flying.

Light Sport’s Next Steps

At AirVenture this year—just before it, actually—the FAA released the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking encompassing MOSAIC, short for Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certificates. The...

Challenge Yourself

It’s human nature to learn a new skill, work hard to “perfect” it and then settle into a peaceable existence just inside your comfort...

RAFE’s Lady Vi VariViggen Update

Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience, which undertook restoration of the only flying VariViggen, suffered a huge setback when the engine quit on the way to...

X-Naut Expands iPad Cooler Line

There’s a new X-Naut in town. The California-based company has been producing cooling cases for Apple iPads for some time—they are built for specific...

Meeting the Beater

Hummingbird builder Vic Syracuse waxes poetic on his Sikorsky-based Experimental helicopter, which is on display in front of the Lycoming building at AirVenture this...

World Beater

Rotax’s spunky 916 brings new tech and international appeal to a venerated design.

The Kitfox Muscles Up With the Rotax 916

Kitfox Aircraft showed not one but two Experimentals powered by the new 160-hp Rotax 916 at AirVenture 2023. We caught up with Kitfox's Brandon...

Van’s Updates Builders on Laser-Cut Parts

Van’s Aircraft responded to reports of cracking of dimpled parts found in recent kits here at AirVenture on Tuesday morning. The defects are the...

Van’s Aircraft Update on the RV-15

Part of Van’s Aircraft’s public forum at AirVenture this morning focused on the development of the high-wing RV-15, which made a splashy debut here...

Falken Avionics Expands iPad-Based EFIS Lineup

Steve Sokol walks us through upgrades to the Falken Avionics suite that employs the Apple iPad as an Experimental-class EFIS. The company now has...

In Case You Missed It

Kit Stuff


The Pro-Seal Experiment

Can you apply polysulfide sealant without making a huge mess?

Riveting Aileron Skins

I was assembling the ailerons for my RV-7A and reached a point where I...
Van's RV-6

Buying Used: Van’s RV-6

What to look for when shopping for the world’s most popular Experimental.