Home Authors Posts by Louise Hose

Louise Hose

Louise Hose
Louise Hose is an instrument-rated, commercial pilot who regularly flies her RV-6, her husband’s RV-8, and an RV-3B and a Dream Tundra, which they built together. They live in Dayton Valley Airpark in Nevada. She also edits the monthly, free digital newsletter, The Homebuilder’s Portal by KITPLANES®.

If It’s Tuesday Night, It Must Be Van’s Banquet Night

Every Tuesday night at AirVenture brings the gathering of Van’s Air Force and tonight was not an exception. RV loyalists came together at the...

The Dyke Delta

While wandering through the home built vendors area, the sound of bagpipes lofted through the air. I decided to make a quick video of...

Tranquility Base

Whenever the hustle and bustle of Wittman Airport becomes too much, I like to retreat to the Seaplane Base on the south shore of...

Don’t Be Buddy Beaver!

Please read the NOTAM before coming into AirVenture.

Homebuilder’s Hangar Presentations

Talks of interest to homebuilders are happening almost continuously this week (at least during weekdays) at the Homebuilder’s Hangar. Several of KITPLANES regular contributors...

Do Weight-Shifting and Wing-Warping Skills Transfer?

After interviewing Open Sky designer and pilot Kazuhiko Hachiya and his engineering partner Tota Ueno on Monday, I invited them to join me in...

Let the Games Begin!

The field came alive this morning under perfect weather conditions and the crowds were out. The newly arranged kit and other home built-related vendors...

Recovery Day

The sun came out Sunday morning and it was a beautiful day. Not hot like last Friday… not raining like Saturday. A perfect day...

All Hail The Volunteers!

The AirVenture grounds were busy last Friday with hundreds of volunteers scurrying around, preparing. Their efforts in homebuilt parking, homebuilt camping, and the vintage...

America’s Most GA Friendly Airports

The AirVenture fun always starts for me hundreds of miles before reaching Oshkosh. This year, I had five fuel (and bladder) stops between western...

In Case You Missed It

North to Alaska

When faced with the choice of going commercial or flying his RV-6 to Alaska, author Ken Scott opted to be pilot in command. Having never flown his plane on trips long enough to require an en-route fuel stop, he figured it was time. What ensued was the trip of a lifetime, with scenery only Alaska can offer, glimpses of aviation history, and flying challenges tempered by friendly encounters with the natives.

Design Process: Wing Structure

Last month we started our discussion of wing design with a look at the...


Unoiled air filter.

Static Prop Balancer

I fly my Pulsar with a 60-inch GSC ground-adjustable wood prop because it smoothes...