Home Authors Posts by Louise Hose

Louise Hose

Louise Hose
Louise Hose is an instrument-rated, commercial pilot who regularly flies her RV-6, her husband’s RV-8, and an RV-3B and a Dream Tundra, which they built together. They live in Dayton Valley Airpark in Nevada. She also edits the monthly, free digital newsletter, The Homebuilder’s Portal by KITPLANES®.

She Made It Here (This Year)!

Lady Vi, the only flying VariViggen, made it To AirVenture this year.

Emergency Aircraft Repair

One of the great benefits at AirVenture is the Emergency Aircraft Repair station. I had intermittent problems with my primary radio, a Garmin 650,...

It Takes a Village of Volunteers

Hundreds of volunteers work hard for days or even months before the start of AirVenture but the homebuilt crew takes a break for awhile...

Get them while they’re cold

Perhaps the most brilliant innovation at the Homebuilt Camping pavilion are ice chest rentals.

Watch Out, Cowboys Over Oshkosh!

If you expect to insert yourself into a tight line of 90-knot planes, you may not get the runway you want.

The Bargains May Go Fast!

One advantage of arriving early to AirVenture is that you may have the opportunity to preview deals before others arrive and the tents fill.

Are Your TFR Warnings On?

“You have been intercepted!” Four words that can ruin a pilot’s day.

Women’s Metal-building Workshop at Airventure

“Never teach your spouse to drive!” For some couples, the advice holds for teaching your spouse to build an airplane. There's a workshop for that!

Win Some, Lose Some

Tsamsiyu and my flight from the Lake Tahoe area to Oshkosh was just about perfect. We were blessed with clear skies, modest tailwind, and...

A Unique Cub

Byung Lee has a nostalgia for the old and historic but also demands many of the amenities of modern life and his unique homebuilt...

In Case You Missed It

2012 Rotorcraft Buyer’s Guide

The 2012 Rotorcraft Buyer’s Guide includes 49 designs for those who may be interested in building a kit helicopter or gyroplane.

What a Drag

Round versus streamline flying wires.


The best tool for certain tasks may require a bit of ingenuity and home...

Buzzwords: Human Factors

Multifunction devices and human factors. Edward P. Kolano.