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Louise Hose

Louise Hose
Louise Hose is an instrument-rated, commercial pilot who regularly flies her RV-6, her husband’s RV-8, and an RV-3B and a Dream Tundra, which they built together. They live in Dayton Valley Airpark in Nevada. She also edits the monthly, free digital newsletter, The Homebuilder’s Portal by KITPLANES®.

Van's Banquet

If it's Tuesday night at AirVenture, it must be the Van's Aircraft Banquet night. A couple hundred RV builders, owners, vendors, and wannabes gathered...

The Numbers Don't Explain the Chaos

The chaos of this year's arrivals last weekend has folks asking why. One piece of information we can add to the discussion is that...

One Week Wonder Day 1–The Race (Against the Clock) Begins

We are building an RV-12iS this week. Not just working on an RV-12 build but literally building a complete plane this week. And, what...

Visit the KITPLANES Booth in Hangar A

You can subscribe to KITPLANES or other Belvoir Publications this week at the special rate of two-years-for-the-price-of-one if you sign up at the KITPLANES...

They're off!

The boxes are open, parts sorted onto tables, and removal of the dreaded blue plastic coatings has commenced on the Van's One Week Wonder. The...

The One Week Wonder is Back!

Following the success of the 2014 build of a Zenith kit in less than one week at AirVenture, EAA and Van's Aircraft will try...

Oshkosh Homebuilt Parking Crew

Bringing you safely to final stop…and off again.

Frugal Reno Racing

Okay, airplane racing is never cheap but Sport Class racers are generally on a budget, unlike their Unlimited brethren, so they look for ways...

Postcards from the World Championship Air Races in Reno

As we stood along the rails today, a race security officer came along in a golf cart and, somewhat apologetically, told us that we...

Postcards From the World Championship Air Races in Reno

When you've busted an engine and melted the battery case, you know the cost of seriously doing business at Reno isn't cheap.

In Case You Missed It


Magnet ClampsWhat is David Paule smoking? In his shop tip , he seems to...

Easy Wheelpant Repair

Or how I stopped worrying and embraced the fiberglass...

Countersinking for a Flush Fastener Fit

In last month’s column, we talked about the procedures needed for installing flush rivets...

Fixing a Sticking Valve

It may not be overly complicated, but it's not for the faint at heart.