Home Authors Posts by Lisa Turner

Lisa Turner

Lisa Turner
Lisa got into the air building airplanes in her garage in the 1990s. She wrote Dream Take Flight to get others inspired to do the same. An A&P and former DAR, Lisa now helps her husband restore vintage aircraft at BIPE INC. If you’re flying over KRHP, stop in and visit. Lisa loves hearing from readers at lisa@lisaturner.com.

Artificial Stupidity

“If you could have any dream air vehicle, what would it be?” asked David. “Including something that’s not available?” replied Sara. “Yes.” “OK, it would...

Leave Me Alone

Don’t be like me, someone who pushed hard to never ask for help.

How Bad Could a Prop Strike Be?

A prop strike, even at very low speed and power, is a serious matter.

All Over the Map

When the FAA inspector or DAR (Designated Airworthiness Representative) arrives to award you your airworthiness certificate, it’s likely that everything will go smoothly, right?...

Eighty Percent to Go

That last 20% that feels like 80% is the time to slow down and pull out checklists, get other eyes on the project, call for a TC visit and sit in the airplane making noises.

Weight Creep

Did you weigh all this stuff?

Getting Organized

Documentation—a dreaded word. But one we can’t live without.

Buying Used: The Pulsar

A popular homebuilt from the 1990s remains viable, if somewhat rare, today.

Build a POH

What to do when your kitmaker leaves it up to you.

What Shape is Your Documentation In?

How to fix it from the beginning.

In Case You Missed It

Still Aiming High

Dan Parker aims to capture the world altitude record by flying to 31,051 feet in an aircraft he designed and built, and which weighs less than 200 kilograms. We checked in on him to see how things are progressing.

Lancair Evolution

When Joe Bartels bought the company from founder Lance Neibauer in 2003, he knew it was time for a change. The goal was to find a high-performance aircraft that could be flown by the average pilot in the target market. The solution can be found in the company's newest product, the Pratt & Whitney-powered turbine Evolution; by Doug Rozendaal.

Beyond the Stats

Shoppin’ for a project, are ya? Here are some truths: Factory-stated build times are...


Antennas Up! I have enjoyed following To Launch a Light Sport, by Bob...