LeRoy Cook
The Rationale Of Oshkosh
To expend considerable time and treasure converging on a medium-size city in Wisconsin every summer, just to hang out with like-minded aviation aficionados, doesn’t...
Warbirds Tram Ride—AirVenture’s Best-Kept Secret, And It’s Free
For 12 years, a dedicated bunch of Warbird volunteers has been spreading the “Keep ‘Em Flying” gospel of preservation and education among AirVenture attendees...
AirVenture Revival Arrival
This year’s VFR Arrival Procedures were justly revised, although not confusingly so, after 2019’s Black Sunday debacle when two day’s worth of airplanes tried...
Buying Used: Long-EZ
Construction workmanship varies greatly, so it pays to have experienced eyes look over your temptation before you succumb to its charms.
Build It Right: Belting Your Homebuilt
Thinking about restraints while building is easier than fixing substandard ideas later on.