Home Authors Posts by Larry Anglisano

Larry Anglisano

Larry Anglisano
Larry Anglisano is a regular KITPLANES contributor and the Editor in Chief of sister publication Aviation Consumer magazine. An active land and sea pilot, Larry has over 30 years experience as an avionics tech.

Garmin’s New Electronic Flight Instrument and Audio Panel

The G5 is a self-contained electronic flight instrument, which can be interfaced with Garmin's G3X/Touch avionics and autopilot for backup and flight instrument redundancy. The GMA245 and remote GMA245R Bluetooth audio panels have advanced entertainment input functions and onscreen programming.

Stand-alone VHF Radios

Our market scan reveals plenty of models with advanced feature sets and space-saving designs.

Audio Control Panels

We compare three models from Garmin and PS Engineering.

Experimental Audio Panel Bench Review

Whether you are upgrading the audio system in an older LSA or experimental or building a new project, PS Engineering and Garmin have non-certified audio panels equipped with advanced features better suited for smaller cabins.

Installing Avidyne’s Slide-In IFD440 GPS Navigator

Larry Anglisano along with Avidyne's Tom Harper show how to transition from an existing GNS430W to a slide-in IFD440, including configuration and setup of the new Bluetooth keyboard.

RV12 Action Camera Interface

Van's Aircraft has a new VIRB action camera interface in the RV12 that works with the newly introduced Garmin G3X Touch avionics suite. Larry Anglisano took the system flying at the 2015 U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, Florida, for a closer look.

Touchscreen Shootout

Dynon SkyView Touch versus Garmin G3X touch. Two capable and powerful systems set a new standard for Experimental and LSA avionics.

Safe Flight Instrument's New AoA for Experimental Market

Safe Flight Instrument Corporation announced at AirVenture 2014 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the new SCx angle of attack system for experimental aircraft. The system uses...

Garmin’s New G3X Touch Glass Cockpit

Garmin's G3X glass cockpit for LSA and experimental aircraft has a touchscreen feature set and supports on-screen display and command for the Garmin VIRB action cam, plus it controls the GMC305 flight control/autopilot system.

Dynon Skyview Touch

Dynon Avionics brought its latest touchscreen system, the Skyview Touch. Dynon's Michael Schofield showed the system to Kitplanes magazine at Sun 'n Fun 2014.

In Case You Missed It

Non-Marring Fluting Pliers

Are your fluting pliers leaving scratches in the aluminum? Here's an easy and quick...

LSA Tail Stand

I decided I needed a tail stand after my transponder inspection last spring. A...

Tall Transmission Tales

(Antennas, Chapter 3)

Editor’s Log

Editor Mary Bernard shares what she saw and heard at the annual Sun ’n Fun fly-in.