Armstrong Xenos-B
Completed in 1100 hours by Paul and Denise Armstrong, Xenos-B #0014 had its first flight on 10/3/23 at Montague, CA. "It was easy to...
November 2023
On the cover: John Lake starts his day with a flight in his beautiful Marquart Charger. Photographed by Jon and Julia Apfelbaum near Utah’s...
Zenith Aircraft Homecoming Report
Kit aircraft manufacturer Zenith Aircraft Company hosted its 32nd annual Homecoming fly-in and open hangar days on September 15 & 16 at its factory...
Archive: August 1991
Nat Puffer’s Cozy Mk IV was the cover subject of our August 1991 issue. Don Downie caught up with Nat and wife Shirley Puffer...
Avionics Satisfaction Survey
We are conducting an avionics satisfaction survey together with Aviation Consumer for an upcoming market report. We want to know about your recent (within...
October 2023
On the cover: Lockwood Aviation’s AirCam on amphibious floats performs a touch and go at Lake Istokpoga, southeast of Sebring, Florida. Photographed by Paul...
Zenith Homecoming Set for September 15 & 16
Zenith Aircraft Company will be hosting its 32nd annual Zenith Homecoming / Open Hangar Days & Fly-In this September 15 & 16 at its...
Archive: October 2011
Jeff Ackland’s Radial Rocket was our cover subject 12 years ago this month. Ed Kolano’s flight review began by exploring the most obvious change...
September 2023
On the cover: CubCrafters’ new Carbon Cub UL is powered by a turbocharged, 160-hp Rotax 916 engine. Photographed by Jon Bliss near Yakima, Washington.