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Kitplanes Magazine: Your Homebuilt Aircraft Authority. We cover topics relevant to anyone who has ever dreamed of building or owning a homebuilt experimental aircraft.

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 1


Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 2

KITPLANES Magazine, April 1997Building a RotorWay 162FPart 2 of 8: Unpackingby Jeff Dunham Last issue we looked at RotorWay International and its history, and...

Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 3

 KITPLANES Magazine, May 1997Building a RotorWay 162FPart 3 of 8: Preparing the helicopter's body.by Jeff DunhamBefore we get to more building, I want to...

Palmer’s Digital Demos, June 1999

Mike Palmer's article in the June issue on voice-warningcircuits included reference to these digital demos. Digital voice warning is on the cutting edge of modern avionics. These digital voice warning files were recorded by Mike Palmer for use in a homebuilt-aircraft voice warning system he developed and wrote about in the June issue of KITPLANES. (As of May 18th, a copy of the June issue can be purchased through our Back-Issue Ordering service.) The files are in Microsoft Wave format and can be listened to using Windows 95/98 and Mac operating system software. Right click to download the links. If your browser has audio capabilities, left click to play directly from this site.(Note: Loading sound file may take up to 45 seconds.)

Make Brackets the Easy Way [Spreadsheet] (May 2001)

  Download  the  spreadsheet file associated with the article Making Brackets the Easy Way published in the May  '01 issue of KITPLANES by clicking...

Composite Floats, Part 1

KITPLANES Magazine, February 2002 Bagging Composite FloatsWe demystify vacuum mold composite construction. Part 1By Cresswell Walker…

Flying the Baby Belle

KITPLANES Magazine, November 1998 Flying the Baby Belle*Raising this Baby is pure fun.Photos: Ken Armstrong and courtesy of Canadian Home Rotors, Inc. *(Note: In 1999 name changed to Safari) Looking for a rugged, nostalgic helicopter that uses a certified aircraft engine? The Baby Belle from Canadian Home Rotors, Inc. (CHRI) is a proven kit helicopter with 264 kits sold and more than 90 completed and flying. The company has also built fly-away helicopters for the overseas…

Let’s go on Safari

 KITPLANES Magazine, July 2000 Let's go on a (Canadian Home Rotors) Safari.By Ken Armstrong I'm really excited about this helicopter and you should be too....

Get to Know the Parts


Turbo Power, Part 3


In Case You Missed It

Wind Tunnel

Design process-CG limits and tail size.


Alaska anyone?

Caffeine and Quality

I’ve found coffee and aviation are inexorably linked.

The Big Scare

You look down at the instruments, and instantly energy drains down your body as if bomb bay doors on the soles of your feet had opened and the concrete floor were a sponge.