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Kitplanes Magazine: Your Homebuilt Aircraft Authority. We cover topics relevant to anyone who has ever dreamed of building or owning a homebuilt experimental aircraft.

May 2022

On the cover: Way back in 1995, Marc Cook showed off the sleek lines of his recently completed Pulsar XP. Photographed by Mike Fizer...

Firewall Forward: Oil Filter Cutting and Analysis

KITPLANES editor at large and experienced engine builder Paul Dye walks you through the process of cutting open the oil filter and examining the...

Metal Magic Special: Paul Dye Shop Tour

Join KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye for a quick tour of his home shop. A multi-airplane builder, Paul has collected tools and techniques...

Firewall Forward: The Oil Change

Let's get started with the KITPLANES Firewall Forward video series, sponsored by the Tempest Aero Group. In this episode, our editor at large Paul...

Brian Kelly’s Radial RV-8R Flies (Again)

Brian Kelly has successfully flown his radial-powered Van's RV-8. Formerly fitted with a Rotec radial, the airplane has been re-engined for a Verner 9S....

Archive: August 1985

The amazing Rutan Voyager was on the cover of our August 1985 issue. If you know your dates, you appreciate that ours was a...

April 2022

On the cover: Chris Hill patrols the skies over Gerogia in his plans-built, Le Rhône-powered Fokker Dr.I Dreidecker replica. Photographed by Julia Apfelbaum. Table of Contents ...

Firewall Forward Video Series Introduction

A new video series about the major firewall-forward tasks a new airplane builder needs to know.

Archive: April 2012

Formation flying was the subject of our April 2012 cover. RV builder Dave Klages took us through the prep and practice for formation work...

March 2022

On the cover: Outstanding workmanship is evident throughout Darwin Barrie’s Grand Champion RV-7. Photographed by Jon Bliss over Arizona’s Superstition Mountains. Table of Contents Finding...

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Converting a Taylorcraft to E/A-B, rebuilding and modifying a Rans S-9.

Ly-Con O-Ring Trick

When you join two halves of a flat aviation engine together, they often weep between the starter and the alternator. Not only is this unsightly, its wasteful and makes completing an overhaul more cumbersome than need be. Enter Ly-Con, whose groovy O-ring process promises to stop leaks before they start.

Can You Hear Me Now?

For those of you in aircraft with magnificent audio systems—stereo music and multi-input switching...

Stage Right

Of all the milling machine jobs I do, 99.99% involve clamping work in the...