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Kerry Fores

Kerry Fores
Kerry Fores was born and raised in Oshkosh, WI and was interested in homebuilding by age 12. Between 1998 and 2003 he scratchbuilt and polished a Sonex, which he named Metal Illness. Kerry logged nearly 500 hours in Metal Illness and was awarded Plans Built Champion at AirVenture 2006. Kerry is retired from a 21-year career at Sonex Aircraft, most of it dedicated to supporting builders. Kerry is on the web at thelifeofdanger.com.

Can We Talk? (Boy, Can We!)

One of my favorite AirVenture activities is eavesdropping as people tell their buddy about the Sonex product line. They confidently say that Sonex took...

Caffeine and Quality

I’ve found coffee and aviation are inexorably linked.

Terms and Conditions

“Customers are always right except in matters of money.” Those stark-but-telling words were emblazoned on a sign in the break area of a fast-food...

Extra Fuel–What Price Range?

What from our evolutionary past predisposed us to the need for more? Always more. What scarcity did our species experience that threatened our survival...

AeroConversions AeroVee Turns 20

The peoples’ engine still fills a niche.

Dispassionate Pursuits

At the very moment I was on final for Oshkosh’s Runway 9 in pursuit of a tailwheel endorsement, my flight instructor’s son was rising...

Metallic Puce and Other Considerations

Airplane people tend to be drawn to all Machines That Move Us. Cars, motorcycles, boats. (Trains, too, but it’s cumbersome, as an individual, to...

Of Novices, Needles and Numbers

I was at 6000 feet agl when I pulled the stick back with consternation, pushed it left with hesitation and watched snow-covered fields fill...

Pride and Progress

I was caught off guard by the sight of familiar aircraft in the Sonex Aircraft flight center. “How?” you wonder. I’ll explain. I’m often...

Never Buy Meat From A Guy in a Parking Lot

A builder—I’ll call him D. Thomas—told me A Guy told him he needed to modify his fuel system or it wouldn’t work. The basic...

In Case You Missed It

Seeing in the Dark

Grand Rapids Technologies FLIR provides an extra margin of safety for night ops.

Ask the DAR

Are computer software programs sufficient documentation of a build, and what do you do when a DARs request seems unreasonable?

The Creative Homebuilder

Heavy-duty control cables.

Homebuilt Accidents: The Pilot’s Condition

Bushy-tailed optional, bright-eyed mandatory.