Home Authors Posts by Jon Croke

Jon Croke

Jon Croke
As the founder of HomebuiltHELP.com, Jon Croke has produced instructional videos for Experimental aircraft builders for over 10 years. He has built (and helped others build) over a dozen kit aircraft of all makes and models. Jon is a private pilot and currently owns and flies a Zenith Cruzer.

Fast, Flat and Simple

Nearly every kit aircraft will require a large, flat worktable for some part of its construction. Large and flat are the important qualities that...

Fairings for Zenith Aircraft

Zenith Aircraft announced a line of wing strut fairings for its popular high-wing kit aircraft. They can be installed by the builder after the plane...

Watch Where You’re Going!

You can track on a smartphone or laptop the flight paths of Experimental aircraft as they fly in real time.

Don’t Get Stuck!

Have you ever found yourself in over your head when it comes to taking on a big project?

Are Your Wings in the Right Spot?

If you haven’t yet decided on whether to pick a high- or low-wing aircraft kit to build, you might wonder how other builders have...

Start Building Your Aircraft With a Subkit

Deciding to build an aircraft does not have to be one big, final decision.

I Need Help—Where Do I Look?

Aside from the manufacturer’s supplied materials, what is the next line of action for obtaining help while building something as complicated as an aircraft?

Tidy Up with Adel Clamps

There is so much to learn by simply observing the handiwork of others. Some builders are just plain creative when it comes to organizing...

Keeping It Simple and Affordable

The freedom to roll your own electrical system means you can make things very simple or very complex as desired.

Clearly the Same?

There are two materials that are commonly used for homebuilt windshields and windows: Lexan and Plexiglas.

In Case You Missed It


The best tool for certain tasks may require a bit of ingenuity and home...

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry clears up airspace restrictions for homebuilts during flight testing and discusses how the original builder of a homebuilt design remains the builder unless the airworthiness certificate is surrendered, which has implications for reselling an aircraft.

The Big Squeeze

Fabricating aircraft cables.


Repetition is a big part of building an airplane. Fortunately, for many builders, it is also good for the soul.