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Jim Weir

Jim Weir
Jim Weir is the chief avioniker at RST Engineering. He answers avionics questions in the Internet newsgroup www.pilotsofamerica.com–Maintenance. His technical advisor, Cyndi Weir, got her Masters degree in English and Journalism and keeps Jim on the straight and narrow. Check out their web site at www.rst-engr.com/kitplanes for previous articles and supplements.

Progress Report: Bits and Pieces of HOG

OK, so we’ve got that 100-watt solar panel firmly bolted to the hangar roof. Let’s take the other pieces that we have to have...

HOG Prime Mover

Time to stop messing around. Time to fish or cut bait. Time to…oh, you know all the rest of that stuff. Me? I’m getting...

Here Come Hell’s Bells Again

We can use decibel calculations no matter if we are measuring in power or voltage; the calculations and outcome are identical.

A Match Made in VSWR Heaven

Why should we care about VSWR?

Measuring Antennas

Freely admitted, my very early experience with antennas was confined to looking at a newspaper picture of Sputnik 1 (Prosteyshiy Sputnik-1) in October 1957...

Chattering Timers

Back in November 1999, I sadly consigned my old battery eating “buzz box,” a WW-II 1940s-era mechanical doorbell-ringer magneto timer, to that big buzz...

The Wind-up, the Pitch…

…and now let’s hit this PC board problem out of the park. Let’s make a useful part with the full PCB program. Here’s the situation:...

Politically Correct Boards

That is what PC means, yes? No. It’s short for printed circuit. And the first attempts at making boards were actually made by spraying...

Makin’ PC Boards

Looking back at projects in prior issues of KITPLANES®, I realize I’ve given you a lot of good ideas for circuits without telling you...

1990 and 2006 Redux

Way back in 1990, when I had brown hair and was a wee lad of 47, I did one of my first KITPLANES® articles...

In Case You Missed It

Build It Better: The Choices We Make

Paul Dye debuts his new series on the myriad considerations that go into building and flying Experimental aircraft.

Gone Pro

In the last three years I’ve been rewarded by the older of my sons...

Bending Your Brain

Humans are amazingly adaptable but sometimes we lack imagination. Here’s one example.

Wind Tunnel