Home Authors Posts by Doug Rozendaal

Doug Rozendaal

Doug Rozendaal
Doug Rozendaal’s pilot certificate requires two cards and includes ratings in business jets, WW-II bombers, transports and fighters, as well as seaplanes, gliders and the coveted “All Makes and Models of Single and Multi Engine Piston Powered” endorsement. He holds a low altitude aerobatic waiver and flies airshows in the P-51, T-6, Rocket, and RVs.

Turbine Legend

Let’s celebrate the return of some very fine whine.

Highly Evolved

The Lancair Turbine Evolution might be the ultimate Experimental kit aircraft. By Doug Rozendaal.

Velocity V-Twin

Looking sleek as a spaceship, the new V-Twin inspires some strong feelings in flight reviewer Doug Rozendaal when he first sees it. Flying the plane only increases his enthusiasm.

Titan 51 Revisited

Capturing the look (and at least some of the feel) of a legendary aircraft-one that tops many pilots dream list-was no small feat. By Doug Rozendaal.

Pilot Proficiency

When determining whos best to conduct the first flight, its a risk versus reward equation. By Doug Rozendaal.

Pilot Proficiency

If you've spent years building instead of flying, type-specific training before that all-important first flight in your homebuilt is a must.

Flight Review: Lancair Launches the Piston Evolution

Doug Rozendaal samples the new piston version of the Lancair Evolution and, as with the turbine Evo, finds much to admire.

Velocity, Increased

The Velocity TXL-5 turbo combines style, sophistication and high performance eminently suited to cross-country sojourns at flight levels.

ViperJet Redux

Before you think to yourself, "I couldn't afford that, let alone fly it" relax a little and let your imagination run wild. The ViperJet offers glove leather interior, rosewood inlay, and performance to spare. Doug Rozendaal completes the picture.

Lancair Evolution

When Joe Bartels bought the company from founder Lance Neibauer in 2003, he knew it was time for a change. The goal was to find a high-performance aircraft that could be flown by the average pilot in the target market. The solution can be found in the company's newest product, the Pratt & Whitney-powered turbine Evolution; by Doug Rozendaal.

In Case You Missed It

Second Chance Six

Part 5: Uncovering the history of N2165U and doing lots of sanding.
Dave Martin

Dave Martin 1938–2021

What we are today was set in motion by Dave more than three decades ago.

What’s New

A glare shield for Garmin GPS units; Sportair USAs certified pre-owned LSA program; quick reference for aera and AV8OR Ace; Better Half VW announces Legal Eagle XL. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Exploring New Territory

Venture out of your comfort zone every so often, because stretching can be fun.