Dave Prizio
Installing and Maintaining Your Pitot-Static System
The pitot-static system is usually one of those items appearing on your to-do list when you are at the point of being 90% done...
Navigating the New FAA Airworthiness Certificate Application Program
You’ll need access to a computer and scanner to complete this online airworthiness process.
Clean Oil Makes for a Happy Engine
You can do two things that will extend your engine’s life more than any others: Fly your airplane regularly and change your oil as...
Grease Is the Word
Consistently use the correct lubricant for your airplane’s various parts, and you will go a long way toward preventing problems.
Nuts and Bolts
Aircraft quality nuts, bolts, washers and other hardware are the right things to use if they hold the things together that keep you in the air.
Fuel Pump Replacement
I was climbing out from my home base airport in Chino, California. I noticed that the fuel pressure was quite a bit less than...
Yearly Condition Inspection, Part II
This time we will finish up our condition inspection and look at the sometimes controversial topics of service bulletins and airworthiness directives.
About this time...
Yearly Condition Inspection, Part I
If you own a Cessna or other certificated airplane, you need to get an annual inspection every year. If you own an Experimental/Amateur-Built airplane,...