Dave Prizio
Grease Options
As supply-chain problems continue to make it hard to find the products you seek, it is worth noting that not all manufacturers have the...
The Other Power Failure
In the days of steam gauges, an alternator failure was inconvenient. In the age of glass panels, it is potentially more serious. Now, if...
What You Should Know About Screwdrivers
Screwdrivers come in many shapes and sizes. Wikipedia lists some 42 different types of screwdriver tips—from the common to the almost unheard-of. Here we...
An Approach to Airplane Maintenance
If we put maintenance and repairs together, we can easily see a link between maintenance well done and minimizing repairs. Of course, too much...
Maintenance Tools
If you are going to do a proper job of maintaining your airplane, you will need some tools that don’t have much use outside of aviation.
Smooth Out Your Ride
Dynamic propeller balancing can smooth out your ride and reduce wear and tear on engine parts.
500-hour Inspection vs. Overhaul
About every 500 hours, your magnetos need to be inspected and repaired as needed (IRAN) to keep them performing well. Some of this work...