Dave Diehl is a 40-year communications professional. He owns and flies an RV-4 based in Hagerstown, Md., and is currently building an RV-12. He is the author of an upcoming book about Dick VanGrunsven and Van’s Aircraft.
Garmins latest com offering is a streamlined audio panel/intercom that doesn't do everything, but what it does-nav/com, music, muting and pilot isolate-it does exceptionally well. By Marc Cook.
Here’s a look at the newest designs and how the kit aircraft segment of Experimental aviation has changed over the past year. By Mary Bernard and Suzanne B. Bopp.
Lancair Aircraft is revolutionizing its already successful turboprop line of kits with the new Evolution, a 750-horsepower, Pratt & Whitney-PT6A-powered, carbon-fiber composite, 380-mph four-seater to be available later this year.