Home Authors Posts by Dave Diehl

Dave Diehl

Dave Diehl
Dave Diehl is a 40-year communications professional. He owns and flies an RV-4 based in Hagerstown, Md., and is currently building an RV-12. He is the author of an upcoming book about Dick VanGrunsven and Van’s Aircraft.

50 Years of Success

What it takes not just to survive but thrive as a kit manufacturer.

In Case You Missed It

Down to Earth

Everyone can use another set of eyes on a project, and sometimes a technical counselor is just the one to provide them. By Amy Laboda.

Metal Magic: All About Clecoes

The Cleco clamp is the metalworker's best friend.

Light Stuff

The Texas Sport Cub is the latest in a line of planes with the venerable Cub lineage. Dave Martin flies one and discusses the various licensing options available.

Firewall Forward: Choosing a Prop for Your Project

Wood or composite? Constant speed or fixed pitch? The choice of propeller should be made just as carefully as the choice of an engine. Dave Prizio outlines some of the important factors to consider.