Home Authors Posts by Dave Martin

Dave Martin

Dave Martin
Dave Martin served as editor of this magazine for 17 years and began aviation journalism evaluating ultralights in the early ’80s. A former CFI (airplanes, gliders, instruments), he'd flown more than 160 aircraft types plus 60 ultralights (including a single-seat, no-basket hot air balloon). Dave passed away in June, 2021.

The Independence Project: Tackling the Tail

Dave Martin and the builders of Chapter 292 break out the rivet guns and bucking bars, and work on the RV-12 tail.

Light Stuff

Dave Martin and company owner Randy Schlitter wring out the RANS S-6 LSA.

The Independence Project: Winging It

Dave Martin and EAA Chapter 292 take on the latest offering from Vans Aircraft: the RV-12 LSA kit.

Light Stuff

Dave Martin finds a Light Sport seaplane at the 2009 Sebring LSA Expo that made a real splash.

Light Stuff

A bit of Brazil: Dave Martin flies the Paradise P-1 SLSA at the Sebring LSA Expo show.

Light Stuff

Dave Martin returns to Sebring, and found a healthy supply of browsers and buyers. A healthy supply of aircraft, great weather, reasonable ticket and food prices, and no race noise combined to make the show a success.

25th Anniversary: Rotax Run

The Rotax engines continual development over the years has led it to become the dominant engines among todays Light Sport Aircraft. Dave Martin details the engines evolution, and takes a look at what may be next.

Lambada Powered Sailplane

Dave Martin introduces you to the Lambada powered sailplane, following his test flight in one.

Light Stuff

Although Van’s has been a top-selling kit manufacturer for years, the company’s foray into the SLSA (factory-built Light Sport Aircraft) market with the RV-12 has proven to be challenging—and the airplane may not ever be sold ready-to-fly. By Dave Martin.

Industry Report: What’s Up With LSAs?

Four years after SLSAs were approved by the FAA, dozens of companies producing more than 100 aircraft models have qualified as SLSAs. Dave Martin examines the state of the industry in light of the current economic climate.

In Case You Missed It

Failure to Launch

This month’s column is not about unmotivated or overaged adolescents living in Mom’s basement,...


Builders share their successes.

Alternative Energies

Chip Yates is a man with a plan—to follow Lindbergh’s historic transatlantic flight in an all-electric plane. The flight’s planned for 2014; in the meantime, there are battery challenges to solve. By Dean Sigler.

Sensor Sensibilities

In 2011, when I purchased my engine sensor package for the then new Dynon...