Home Authors Posts by Dan Vance

Dan Vance

Dan Vance
Dan Vance is a mechanical engineer who has had his private pilot certificate for 45 years. He enjoys creating and fabricating things (website: gdimfg.com) almost as much as he enjoys flying.

DIY Compact Blind-Rivet Puller

  While building my Panther tail kit, I came upon this note in the assembly manual in the elevator joiner photo: “This rivet is impossible...

Releasable Piano Hinge Pin Retainer

There are lots of creative ways that builders have devised for retaining piano hinge pins. Many of them are “permanent,” so if removal is...

DIY Adjustable Rib Centerline Marking Tool

As a new builder I came quickly to the step of needing to mark rib centerlines to align the ribs with the predrilled holes in the skin.

In Case You Missed It

Down to Earth

Is the mainstream medias portrayal of aviation incidents sensationalized or on target? Turns out they are right in some aspects, but lacking in others. Either way, the aviation accident rate illustrates that there's still room for improvement; by Amy Laboda.

Wind Tunnel


Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the mood at the annual AOPA gathering, where he found an upbeat vibe, cautious optimism about the FAAs pending homebuilding rules changes, and a positive announcement from Glasair Aviation.

Build It Better: Building a Team

Sometimes working alone in your hangar is exactly what you want. But other times a helping hand is called for, and then it helps to know you’re part of a worldwide homebuilding community.