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Bob Hadley

Bob Hadley
Bob Hadley is the R&D manager for a California-based consumer products company. He holds a Sport Pilot certificate and a Light-Sport Repairman certificate with inspection authorization for his Jabiru J250-SP.

Poka-Yoke Cable Clamp

From a machinist’s point of view, the clamp couldn’t be simpler: A couple of grooves, some bolt holes and you’re done.

Bob’s Donut Shop

In my April 2021 column, I described making custom rivet nuts to replace self-tapping screws for the wing root fairings on my Jabiru. While...

Fuel Cap Dipstick (and Always Chock Your Wheels)

Before I delve into this month’s project, here’s the backstory on where it came from: I started my flight training with 10 hours in...

Shop-made Blind Rivet Nut

Blind rivet nuts, also called rivnuts, rivet nuts or insert nuts, are a clever way to add threaded bosses to thin-wall sheet metal structures...

Cylinder Hones and Honing

Honing and lapping are similar inasmuch as both employ abrasive action to remove metal and refine the finish of the surface that’s being honed...

Laps and Lapping

Lapping was an important step featured in two recent columns. Last month’s gauge block project and the September 2020 drain adapter both demonstrated basic...

Confessions of a Blockhead

Gauge blocks are the foundation for pretty much everything. At least everything that has to do with precision measuring and manufacturing. I use parallels,...

Light Sport Repairman—Maintenance

Have you ever thought about becoming a licensed airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic, but put the idea out of your head because of the...

A Seal Deal

Radial oil seals, the kind found on rotating parts such as crankshafts, cam shafts and axles, are wear items and occasionally need to be...


The other day I heard about a guy at my local airport lamenting the cost of overhauling the prop on his $4 million SOCATA...

In Case You Missed It

Extra Fuel–What Price Range?

What from our evolutionary past predisposed us to the need for more? Always more....

A Chock Talk

About a year ago my son whittled us some traveling chocks, just bits of...


Belt Tension ReferenceIn the June issue of KITPLANES® on page 34, the reference for...

Aero ‘lectrics

In this first of a two-part series, Jim Weir builds a low-cost, high-efficiency portable ground-based antenna system that he used to great effect in the recent CAFE 400 (fuel efficiency) race in Northern California. You can do it, too.