Bob Hadley
Alternative Energy Projects
This month I’m taking a step back from doing the usual aircraft-related project to look at some “off the grid” projects that take advantage...
It’s a Knockout
When it comes time to remove and replace bearings or bushings that are press fit into tubes or deep recesses, don’t be that mechanic...
Second-Thought Tie-Down Eye
Every aircraft has tie-down points. Most of us never give them a second thought until a catastrophe strikes—like the big storm that threatened early...
Reverse Engineering a Glasair Tailwheel
One day last summer, seconds after rolling from the hold short line to depart Las Vegas’ Henderson Airport, a freak wind gust caught David...
Panel for the Idiot Light, Part 2
Given the compact nature of the Radiant Bingo 3 LED assembly, I figured mounting it would be a matter of finding some vacant real...
Low Fuel, Idiot, Light
In the year 2019 BC (before COVID), I made a number of cross-country trips between 300 and 500 miles. While these distances were well...
Cogswell’s Molds, Part 2
Last month I discussed the slump and drape molds that Steve Cogswell used for making fiberglass concealers/accessory panels for his RV-8. (Also see “A...
Cogswell’s Molds
Some of the many cool details of Steve Cogswell’s RV project from last month’s column were the fiberglass parts made to conceal various lightening...
A Tale of Two RVs
“Homebuilt” aptly describes where most project aircraft are assembled. But as you approach the final stages, it’s common to move from the home to...