Home Authors Posts by Bob Hadley

Bob Hadley

Bob Hadley
Bob Hadley is the R&D manager for a California-based consumer products company. He holds a Sport Pilot certificate and a Light-Sport Repairman certificate with inspection authorization for his Jabiru J250-SP.

A Pee-wee Herman

You can DIY a small preheater for almost nothing.

Alternative Energy Projects

This month I’m taking a step back from doing the usual aircraft-related project to look at some “off the grid” projects that take advantage...

It’s a Knockout

When it comes time to remove and replace bearings or bushings that are press fit into tubes or deep recesses, don’t be that mechanic...

Second-Thought Tie-Down Eye

Every aircraft has tie-down points. Most of us never give them a second thought until a catastrophe strikes—like the big storm that threatened early...

Reverse Engineering a Glasair Tailwheel

One day last summer, seconds after rolling from the hold short line to depart Las Vegas’ Henderson Airport, a freak wind gust caught David...

Panel for the Idiot Light, Part 2

Given the compact nature of the Radiant Bingo 3 LED assembly, I figured mounting it would be a matter of finding some vacant real...

Low Fuel, Idiot, Light

In the year 2019 BC (before COVID), I made a number of cross-country trips between 300 and 500 miles. While these distances were well...

Cogswell’s Molds, Part 2

Last month I discussed the slump and drape molds that Steve Cogswell used for making fiberglass concealers/accessory panels for his RV-8. (Also see “A...

Cogswell’s Molds

Some of the many cool details of Steve Cogswell’s RV project from last month’s column were the fiberglass parts made to conceal various lightening...

A Tale of Two RVs

“Homebuilt” aptly describes where most project aircraft are assembled. But as you approach the final stages, it’s common to move from the home to...

In Case You Missed It

The Dawn Patrol

Road trip.

The Home Machinist

Charlie Taylor, the Wright brothers trusted right-hand man and machinist, made their early powered flight experiments possible. And he built the engine using only a drill press, a lathe, a simple scale and more than a little ingenuity; by Bob Fritz.

DIY Wind Indicator

Chuck Deiterichs description of a do-it-yourself wind indicator project includes tips, drawings, a parts listing, in-progress photos and a look at the finished product. His experimentation with the highly visible design takes the guesswork out of doing it right.

Another Look at Fuel-System Testing

In light of additional research and input from manufacturers, Dave Prizio revises some of his previous recommendations on testing your fuel system.