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Bob Hadley

Bob Hadley
Bob Hadley is the R&D manager for a California-based consumer products company. He holds a Sport Pilot certificate and a Light-Sport Repairman certificate with inspection authorization for his Jabiru J250-SP.

LSA Tail Stand

I decided I needed a tail stand after my transponder inspection last spring. A normal transponder inspection is pretty basic: Turn on the avionics...

Whatever Works!

One of the things that I learned from reading Paul Dye’s coverage of last year’s Reno Air Races was that everybody uses tape to...

Spinner Bulkhead Clocking

Spinner woes were the topic of midsummer musings on Van’s Air Force this year. Specifically, Bill from Virginia commented how, after getting his Hartzell...

Plug-Gapping Tool

If you read Paul Dye’s article “Automotive Plugs in Lycomings” in the August 2023 issue, you know that using inexpensive automotive-style single-electrode spark plugs...

Oil Filter Slicer-Off-Er

The process of inspecting an oil filter is not complicated. Slice the top off using a filter cutting tool. Extract the cartridge that holds...

Hankering for an Anchoring

Most airports provide provisions to tie down transient aircraft. I’ve seen everything from loops of rebar sticking out of asphalt to cables and ropes...

Fly Cutting a Cove With a Boring Head

Fly cutting is a great way to put a “finish” on a flat and true face. The sweeping tool marks are not only instantly...


All machined things (parts, tools, etc.) eventually have to be “finished” in one way or another. This may include tumbling, sandblasting or burnishing, but...

Bleeder Coupling

Bleeding hydraulic brakes of trapped air is something everyone who builds or works on airplanes eventually has to do. The process is fundamentally simple....

Calling All Collets

Most metal lathes come with a three-jaw chuck for a good reason: They are the best option for general-purpose work. They accommodate the widest...

In Case You Missed It

Ray Stits Remembered

Designer of 15 Experimentals, inventor of the Poly-Fiber covering system, and founder of EAA Chapter 1, he was an aviation ambassador for all. By Amy Laboda.

Fitting an RV-7A Cowl

Part 2: Trimming and installing the top and bottom cowl halves.

Going Glass

The block diagram.

The Coming Revolution

Tremendous progress has been made in the Automatic Speech Recognition realm (think iPhone’s Siri), and this technology may be a boon to solo pilots sooner than you think. By James P. Hauser.