Bob Hadley is the R&D manager for a California-based consumer products company. He holds a Sport Pilot certificate and a Light-Sport Repairman certificate with inspection authorization for his Jabiru J250-SP.
This month DAR Mel Asberry tackles questions about modifying an aircraft and the flight testing required, what should be on a dataplate, and what you need to know about getting an airworthiness certificate after completing a partially built aircraft.
Inherent biases or previous experience can alter the perceptions of any product reviewer, but perceptions may change when one takes the time to investigate further, sometimes turning what was thought to be a detriment into something less significant. Such was the case when columnist Dave Martin revisited one feature (pilot visibility) of the Remos G-3 SLSA.
Taking that first cut into the sheet metal of an aircraft panel can be daunting, and being as precise as youd like is even more so. Author Bob Fritz eases your anxiety about the process with some tips about how to use the right tool for the right job, so that the hole you get is the one you wanted.