Bob Hadley
IV Tube for Crankcase Ventilation
Recently, my neighbor Ed needed a part to upgrade the installation of his crankcase breather/oil separator kit.
Breaking Bead
This month’s home shop project is a bead breaker for separating stubborn tires from rims.
Orphan Part Angel
The Glasair static port design has a beveled segment that bisects the centerline of the port. This adds more than a minor complication to the machining process.
Assistance for Resistance
This month’s home shop project was suggested by Matt Burch. Matt sent a couple of photos of a cool time-saving tool he made to...
Case Hardening
Having a machine shop means never having to say, “I can’t make that.”
That occurred to me one afternoon when I was making a sprocket....
Accessory Stacking To Mill an Arc
Securely holding small parts for machining is always a challenge. The solution may be to use a work-holding gadget such as a pin vise...
Driver Upgrade for Avionics Trays
Installing small screws into the tight confines of a deep avionics tray is a challenge that can be both annoying and frustrating.
ERCuSi-A Silicon Bronze, the AlternaTIG Option
Last summer I had the chance to get some hands-on experience with TIG brazing. Other than a YouTube video or two, I knew next...