Bob Hadley
Fixing Axle Fooly
Flat tires seem to come in clusters. You can go years without getting one, then for some reason, “boom” (actually, more like “psssss”), more flats in a month than a year or years.
IV Tube for Crankcase Ventilation
Recently, my neighbor Ed needed a part to upgrade the installation of his crankcase breather/oil separator kit.
Breaking Bead
This month’s home shop project is a bead breaker for separating stubborn tires from rims.
Orphan Part Angel
The Glasair static port design has a beveled segment that bisects the centerline of the port. This adds more than a minor complication to the machining process.
Assistance for Resistance
This month’s home shop project was suggested by Matt Burch. Matt sent a couple of photos of a cool time-saving tool he made to...
Case Hardening
Having a machine shop means never having to say, “I can’t make that.”
That occurred to me one afternoon when I was making a sprocket....
Accessory Stacking To Mill an Arc
Securely holding small parts for machining is always a challenge. The solution may be to use a work-holding gadget such as a pin vise...
Driver Upgrade for Avionics Trays
Installing small screws into the tight confines of a deep avionics tray is a challenge that can be both annoying and frustrating.