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Barnaby Wainfan

Barnaby Wainfan
Barnaby is a Technical Fellow for Northrop Grumman’s Advanced Design organization. A private pilot with single-engine and glider ratings, Barnaby has been involved in the design of unconventional airplanes including canards, joined wings, flying wings and some too strange to fall into any known category.

Wind Tunnel

The way lift is distributed along a wing's span affects both the structure and its aerodynamics.

Understanding and Avoiding Spins

A pilots ability to recover from a spin depends just as much on the design characteristics of the airplane as on stick-and-rudder skills.

Interference Drag Adds Up

Barnaby Wainfan explains the role of properly designed wing-fuselage junctions in reducing interference drag.

Wind Tunnel

Barnaby Wainfan examines the design factors that can mitigate damage in an accident and increase the chances of survival.

Wind Tunnel

Its easy to get carried away with new systems and technology that promise to make your airplane faster, smarter and even safer. But sometimes more is just more.

Wind Tunnel

Involved in the flight testing of a friends aircraft, Barnaby Wainfan contemplates the consequences (and wisdom) of designing an aircraft around an engine that may prove unsatisfactory or, worse, unavailable.

Wind Tunnel

Youd think a V-tail would have much to offer over a conventional tail in both reduced drag and lower weight. But how does it really pan out?

Wind Tunnel

How do the power-to-weight ratio, wing loading, drag effects and propeller choices affect an aircrafts climb rate and climb angle?

It Pays To Heed Convention

Barnaby Wainfan looks at unconventional flight-control configurations in the cockpit and why they can throw even a seasoned pilot.

Tail Surfaces and Aerodynamic Effects

Major aspects of tail design and how they affect the performance of an aircraft in flight.

In Case You Missed It

Engine Beat

What are your options to get the annual condition inspection done when you're not the original builder of the aircraft? By Steve Ells.

Wind Tunnel

This month well look at another complex interaction between aerodynamics and aircraft structures that can cause structures to fail: fabric flutter.

Van’s Aircraft Files for Chapter 11

Van’s Aircraft, facing multiple crises and a serious cash crunch, filed for Chapter 11...

Cooling Inlets

The cooling air inlet serves two functions: First, and most important, the inlet must...