Home Authors Posts by Amy Laboda

Amy Laboda

Contributing Editor Amy Laboda is a freelance writer and editor of Aviation for Women magazine. She's an ATP-rated pilot and instrument and multi-engine Flight Instructor with a passion for teaching and flying in light aircraft. Her steady rides these days are a 18-year old Kitfox IV and a fresh Van's RV-10.

ElectraFlyer-C Concept Airplane Flying

Randall Fishman, the principal of Electraflyer, manufacturer of the Electraflyer Trike ($18,385 complete), a legal ultralight sporting a battery-powered electric engine is currently flight testing an electric airplane from a highly modified Moni motorglider fuselage and wing base."The main landing gear and tailwheel have been lengthened to raise the fuselage and enhance ground control," says Fishman, who built the Moni in the 1990s with a gasoline engine, and decided, after the success of his Electraflyer…

Commentary: A Conversation with GAMA’s CEO

Most of us know Alan Klapmeier as the CEO and Chairman of Cirrus Design, and part of the duo (with his brother Dale) who brought the Cirrus SR-20, SR-22 and now Vision SJ50 jet into the world, but did you know that this year Alan Klapmeier is also serving as the Chairman of the General Aviation Manufacturer's Association (GAMA)?…

ElectraFlyer-C Concept Airplane Flying

Randall Fishman, the principal of Electraflyer, manufacturer of the Electraflyer Trike ($18,385 complete), a legal ultralight sporting a battery-powered electric engine is currently...

Garmin Expands Pilot My-Cast Features

Garmin's subsidiary Digital Cyclone has upgraded its cellphone-based weather delivery system, Pilot My-Cast, expanding both the types of cellphones supported, and the weather products...

Oshkosh’s New Tower a Boon for Airshow Fliers

Standing tall at 141 feet above Wittman Field is AirVenture's newest and tallest, and most useful structure, a new air traffic control tower, and no one could be more proud of it than Wanda Adelman, air traffic manager for the Lake District, which includes Wisconsin and parts of Illinois and Indiana.…

30,000th Homebuilt Certified

On July 31, in AeroShell Square, during the 2008 EAA AirVenture show, Acting FAA Administrator Bobby Sturgell allowed EAA President Tom Poberezny to award the 30,000th Experimental aircraft airworthiness certificate to Robert Noll and his daughter Katrina, of Yuma, Arizona, who have built an RV-9A together.In fact, the RV-9A was one of several aircraft that applied for and were awarded experimental airworthiness certificates in the last six months. All of them were entered into a…

30,000th Homebuilt Certified

On July 31, in AeroShell Square, during the 2008 EAA AirVenture show, Acting FAA Administrator Bobby Sturgell allowed EAA President Tom Poberezny to award...

Oshkosh's New Tower a Boon for Airshow Fliers and Controllers

Standing tall at 141 feet above Wittman Field is AirVenture's newest and tallest, and most useful structure, a new air traffic control tower, and...

Commentary: What Does Affordable Flying Mean to You?

EAA's AirVenture 2008 offers much to all who are interested in aviation; however, after a few days of wandering the grounds, I began to...

Powerplant Developments Reveals Partners

Powerplant Developments Chief Executive Officer Tim T. Archer spoke at a press conference July 30 at AirVenture and revealed some tantalizing details about the...

In Case You Missed It

Split Decision

Building a vertical-split cowl for an RV-7A.

Venturing the Cup

Started in 1997 by Eric Whyte and Erik Anderson, the AirVenture Cup offers its...


A continuing journey.


Us and the Media (Best Letter) I was disappointed to see the first...