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Mark Albery

Mark Albery
Mark Albery studied aeronautical engineering at Kingston University on the former site of both the Sopwith and Hawker aircraft factories. While working for Rolls-Royce on the acoustic design of aircraft engines, he earned his private pilot's license at the RR Merlin Flying Club. He now holds commercial and flight instructor ratings and has owned a Taylor Monoplane, Cessna 120, Jodels 1050 and DR200, DH Chipmunk, two RV-4s and the RV-8.

Transatlantic Homebuilt

Los Angeles to England in an RV-8.

In Case You Missed It

What’s New

Brightline Bags introduces the FLEX flight-bag system, Full Lotus Floats has a new owner, and Victor Technologies debuts a multiprocess welding system.

What You Don’t Need to Know Can Hurt You

Building an airplane should be mostly fun, sometimes challenging, and infinitely rewarding, but confidence...

Steen Skybolt

The Steen Skybolt is a fabric-covered, wood-ribbed biplane that is built for aerobatics—and doesn’t disappoint. By Ed Wischmeyer.

Homebuilding in South Africa

On an “aviation safari,” Amy Laboda checks out South Africa’s homebuilding activity (and some spectacular scenery) and discovers the industry there is thriving—along with some of the factors that help keep it that way.