Ari’s Oshkosh Video


A short but sweet look at my time at AirVenture. I ended up not taking as much video as I anticipated, but that’s fine by me because it allowed me to take everything in—I wasn’t fully viewing the excitement that is Oshkosh through a lens. Plus, I had stories to find. Enjoy!

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Ariana Rayment
Ariana Rayment is an instrument-rated private pilot from Tacoma, Washington. She discovered her love of flying through her former purchasing role at Glasair Aviation. She loves the Reno Air Races, where she stands alongside Jeff LaVelle as his crew chief and pals around with her friends in Sport Class.


  1. It was nice but ,,,,, too fast, and too short ! Hopefully next year’s will longer and slower, when you get to my age takes us awhile to absorb things !
    Thanks, Kirk


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