This modified Murphy Renegade on display in the kit vendor area is more complete than last year – the engine has been hung and some wiring completed. But the fact that is moving forward isn’t way we like to highlight it. If you zoom in on the poster, you’ll find that this little airplane project was begun by Kitplanes own Mel Asbery – our resident “Ask the DAR”. Mel and Ann Asbery began it years ago, but he kept so busy licensing other airplanes that he couldn’t keep making progress, so he passed it on to its next owner for completion – and we hope to see it covered and maybe flying next year!
In Case You Missed It
The Airplane Van Didnt Want to Build
How the RV-6 became the most successful kit aircraft yet.
Ask the DAR
Mel Asberry - 0
Can a former Part 103 aircraft be registered as an LSA? And how is an appropriate Phase I flight-test area determined?
Little Bird the Kitfox
Amy Laboda - 0
Amy Laboda's Kitfox 4, Little Bird, won't break any speed records. But it will tuck nicely into a short turf airstrip in time for a barbecue.
Flush Rivet Removal
Dan Horton - 0
There can be more than 10,000 rivets in an aluminum kit aircraft. Given that many opportunities for errors, you’ll surely need to replace a few.