Air Conditioning Now Available for Sling TSi


Just when you thought air conditioning was the province of big, heavy airplanes comes word that a “true” air-con system will soon be available for the Sling TSi with a Rotax 915 iS or 916 iS engine. According to Airflow Systems managing director Bill Genevro, “a partnership has been formed with well-known Sling TSi builder and customizer, Evan Brunye, through which Airflow Systems will sell air conditioning kits developed by Mr. Brunye to Sling TSi owners /builders.” Evan Brunye will be in the Sling booth at AirVenture 2024 to answer questions about his new AC system.

According to Genevro, a prototype of the system is flying now with “a very happy customer.” He notes that “this a true air conditioning system that utilizes an engine driven compressor and retains the Sling heater system.” An initial production run of 10 kits has begun with deliveries expected by October. Genevro notes that the system is “designed to work with parachute equipped aircraft, keeping the CG where it belongs.” In the Sling, the compressor is driven by a belt from the prop flange and nestles up against the gearbox on the pilot side of the engine.

Price for the complete system is $10,995 but orders taken for the first batch of 10 will earn a $500 discount.

The Sling system joins air conditioning for several other models in the Airflow Systems lineup—they include most Vans RV models as well as Lancair, Glasair, and Bearhawk aircraft.

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Marc Cook
Marc Cook is a veteran special-interest journalist who started as a staffer at AOPA Pilot in the late 1980s. Marc has built two airplanes, an Aero Designs Pulsar XP and a Glasair Aviation Sportsman, and now owns a 180-hp, steam-gauge-adjacent GlaStar based in western Oregon. Marc has 5000 hours spread over 200-plus types and four decades of flying.


  1. Good to see a manufacturer stepping up and offering kits for more aircraft. Ultimately I think the way to go is to utilize automotive heat pumps instead of traditional compressors. They are smaller, lighter and more efficient than traditional compressors. You could mount them in different locations since they won’t need to be driven like an accessories; it will just need a bigger alternator. Plus you can use it for heating and eliminate the tradition heating core and associated parts.


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