In the mid 1990s entrepreneur Dennis Fetters sought to energize gyroplanes in the experimental aircraft world with an updated design and a lot of marketing. That combination resulted in over 2,000 Air Command Commanders being sold worldwide. Unfortunately, a spate of fatal accidents led to the aircraft being banned in the UK in 1991. Fetters later sold the company and production of complete gyroplanes ceased.

Enter Joe Covelli, of River Falls Wisconsin, who has purchased Air Command, including the rights to the Air Command Commander, all of its parts, and Skywheels rotor blade system. Covelli has undertaken a complete redesign of the Commander, to include a strengthened rotor mast, a beefier nose gear assembly and a better functioning throttle, brake and pre-rotator control.
Covelli brought his engineering prototype to AirVenture and is located in the Ultralight area. The prototype includes several of the new components. Other newly redesigned features are included in prospective drawings. For more information, go to www.aircommand.com.