Print Advertising
Available Sizes in Editorial Pages
Unit | Width inches (picas) |
Depth inches (picas) |
2-page spread bleed | 16″ (96p) | 10-3/4″ (64p9) |
2-page spread live area | 13-3/4″ (82p6) | 10″ (60p) |
Bleed page | 8-1/8″ (48p9) | 10-3/4″ (64p9) |
Full page live area | 6-7/8″ (41p3) | 10″ (60p) |
2/3 page vertical | 4-5/8″ (27p9) | 9 3/4″ (58p6) |
1/2 page horizontal | 7″ (42p) | 4-3/4″ (28p6) |
1/2 page island | 4-5/8″ (27p9) | 7-1/8″ (42p9) |
1/3 page vertical | 2-1/4″ (13p6) | 9 3/4″ (58p6) |
1/3 page square | 4-5/8″ (27p9) | 4-3/4″ (28p6) |
1/4 page square | 4-5/8″ (27p9) | 3-1/2″ (21p) |
1/6 page vertical | 2-1/4″ (13p6) | 4-3/4″ (28p6) |
1/6 page horizontal | 4-5/8″ (27p9) | 2-3/8″ (14p3) |
Available Sizes in Builder’s Marketplace
Unit | Width inches | Depth inches |
1-inch | 2.25 | 1 |
2-inch | 2.25 | 2 |
3-inch | 2.25 | 3 |
Print Specifications
Printed: Web Offset
Trim Size: 7-7/8″ x 10-1/2″
Safety Area: 1/4″
Binding: Perfect Bound
Bleed Allowance: 1/8″ on all edges
Ink Specifications: 4/C process
Rotation of Colors: SWOP (Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)
Dot Gain on Press: 17-23%
File Specifications
Required File Formats: PDF/X-1a: PDF version 1.3 (Acrobat 4); output resolution 2400 dpi; composite CMYK; high-quality JPEG or lossless Zip compression; resolution for color and gray scale images is 300 dpi; resolution for monochrome images is 1200 dpi; and fonts are embedded and subsetted 100% as well as other characteristics. Trapping is the responsibility of the file provider. Total density should not exceed 290%.
Unacceptable File Formats: Other file types, such as Postscript, TIFF, TIFF/IT, EPS or native applications such as Quark, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.
Photographic: Should be saved in TIFF or EPS format, not JPEG, and must not contain extra channels. The color space should be CMYK or Grayscale. Do not place CMYK images in black & white ads. The maximum ink coverage (C+Y+M+K), not to exceed 290%. The resolution of images should be 300 dpi. Images should not contain embedded transfer functions or halftone screens. Do not use ICC profiles or other color management.
Linework: Should be saved as a bitmap TIFF. Should have an effective resolution of 1200 to 2400 dpi. Vector (EPS logos, etc): Images must be embedded, not linked. Fonts must be converted to outline (preferred) or embedded within the EPS. Do not place EPS files inside of EPS files.
Colors: No RGB or Pantone. Must be CMYK. Ink coverage not to exceed 290%.
Document Setup
For full page ads, your document page size should match the magazine page size. Trim marks with 1/8″ offset. Bleeds should extend 1/8″ beyond trim. Maximum one ad per document.
We can only accept PostScript Type 1 fonts. If TrueType fonts are used, they must be converted to outlines in Illustrator or a similar program, or embedded within a PDF. Type must not have styles (bold, italic, etc) applied in the page layout program. The actual (bold or italic) font must be selected.
Submitting Ad Files
5MB and under: Email to We will confirm receipt of your email. Over 5MB: Please send it through It is a very easy process. Simply sign up for a free account. Type in the following email address: Put Advertiser Name in the Subject Line. Any other instructions can be placed into the message. You will then need to browse your hard drive and click on the file. When you click on send, it will upload your file to their FTP site. An email will then be sent to you stating that it was uploaded and another email will be sent to KITPLANES Production to download the file. This service will handle files up to 100MB.
Production charges will apply if ad does not meet our specifications. Materials are destroyed 12 months after publication.
Please see the advertising page to peruse our Editorial Planner with deadlines to formulate your advertising schedule now, or contact us at
Website Ads

Available Sizes
728 x 90 (leaderboard)
300 x 250 (medium rectangle)
300 x 600 (half page)
We accept static and animated ads. All animation, including loops, must stop at 30 seconds. Pop-ups and other intrusive ads are not accepted.
For each ad creative, please supply the files in double density (@2x). This means, for example, that your 300×250 px ad should be designed and sent as 600×500 px. Single density ads look OK on older, lower resolution screens, but on high resolution screens, (4K, retina, etc.) they will appear fuzzy. Below is an example.
Acceptable file formats: gif, animated gif, jpg (jpeg), png, and 3rd-party ad tags. Ensure images are web optimized.
Performance tracking is available through Google Ad Manager or your third-party impression URL.
Email Newsletter Ads
Available Sizes
600 x 300 (email full-width)
Acceptable file formats: gif, jpg (jpeg), png.
Custom Email Blast
We can build your custom email blast using your html or your image(s) in a width of 600px. For best results, please provide images in double-size: 1200px wide.
Acceptable file formats: gif, jpg (jpeg), png.