Belite Electronics introduced its Patch Flyer solid-state avionics package at Sun ‘n Fun on Friday. Designed for Part 103 ultralights, the Patch Flyer instruments are truly ultra-light, weighing only 15 grams (1/2 ounce) each.
“You can have the entire line, all eight instruments, in your panel, and the whole thing weighs less than one pound,” said James Weibe, co-owner of Belite Aircraft. The electronics include a volt minimeter, CHT/EGT gauge, with preamp, fuel gauge, turn rate indicator, airspeed indicator, positive g meeter, inclinometer, above-ground level altimeter, battery condition voltmeter and vertical speed indicator.
Instruments can be had for between $50 and $150 apiece, “and the entire panel will cost you less than $1000,” Weibe said.