John Stahr announced first thing in the morning that Friday would be “a day of fussy fuss.” It was time to address all those little nits bound to come up in the original work. As Paul Dye is always telling me, “It isn’t how perfect you do the job initially, it’s about how well you can correct the little errors.” So, it was a tedious and some times a bit frustrating day of inspecting for issues and addressing them.
An early problem addressed was on the nose cowl. Pinholes in the rear part just hadn’t been filled and sanded enough to give a satisfactory finish once painted. So, Stahr spent the early morning sanding, filling, and sanding the area. Then masking the rest of the paint, priming, and painting… again.

The second large-ish area of work was adding depth and sparkle to the gray band by spraying a slightly glittery layer of paint to the previously dull, gray band.
The entire rest of the day was spent picking the nits off of the little jet and bringing it closer to perfection. Builder/owner Paul Dye had been absent on a business trip to Seattle (speaking to Blue Origins) for the last two days but rushed to the shop first thing when he got home at 10:30 pm. “You couldn’t keep me away!” he declared.
Today (Saturday) will finish up the project. A few more nits to address and some final clear coat to apply, then a celebratory barbecue. We’ll wrap up coverage tomorrow with the full reveal.

Watch the day’s time-lapse video: