In Case You Missed It
Small Screens, Big Deal
Just as we wrapped up our big-screen EFIS buyer’s guide in this issue, Garmin...
Arion Lightning
Test pilot Chuck Berthe flew the Arion Lightning not once but twice, in two different factory demonstrators.
How Bad Could a Prop Strike Be?
A prop strike, even at very low speed and power, is a serious matter.
Future Fuels, Part 2
When 100LL phases out, the replacement will almost certainly be a 100-octane equivalent. But which one? By Paul Bertorelli.
Whats New
RV-12 building assistance is available on DVD from HomebuiltHELP; Plane-Power has introduced a new alternator for Continental 520 and 550 engines; WhirlWind announces a new composite, ground-adjustable propeller for the Rotax 912/914 engine.