CoDeveloper has a new PilotE6B/WX app that provides pilots with more than 50 common aviation calculations and unit conversions, as well as convenient access to current weather data. Features include in-place unit conversion, GPS-tied METAR and TAF access, and in-flight timers. This is the newest app in the CoDeveloper lineup, joining its flagship PilotFAR-AIM and PilotPrep apps. All apps are integrated and provide pilots with a common look and feel, improving overall usability.
Among the additional features: The pilot may specify units of measurement for all calculation parameters and results, eliminating common mistakes such as confusing nautical miles for statute miles. Calculation results carry forward as input parameters to subsequent calculations, speeding workflow. Fuel quantities and burn rates can be displayed in volume or mass units. The pilot can specify the specific-density of the fuel being used for accurate conversions. Specialized keypads for numeric entry, time entry, fuel selection and unit selection ease data entry. Calculations are categorized and listed with their required input parameters for easy selection. METAR and TAF reports may be pulled for the pilot’s current GPS location, eliminating the need to enter one or more ICAO station identifiers.
The app is compatible with the Apple iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. It is available now in the Apple AppStore for $6.99.
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