
Aircraft building is an art of large and small gestures. But sometimes it’s the little ones that catch you out. Veteran KITPLANES contributor Vic Syracuse has collected examples of problems found in both new and long-flying homebuilts—lessons worth learning on someone else’s tuition.

Do you have any you want to share? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll put a megaphone to your experience as well. 

In Case You Missed it

A Tale of Two Kits

What a difference a few years make. Paul Dye discusses the evolution of kits, using the two he built (Van’s RV-8 and RV-3) as examples.

uAvionix AV-30 Adds Capabilities

Now with traffic and Wi-Fi!

The Ultimate Upgrade

Veteran pilots and kit builders, Wendell and Martha Solesbee make the reasoned decision to embark on a Lancair Evo build—the ultimate upgrade to their already-impressive homebuilt fleet.

Hand Propping an Aeroplane

Or, an introduction to A Farewell to Arms.