No question that the best way to learn basic metal techniques is to observe a master. And, every year budding builders come by the Van’s booth to ask for advice about drilling, dimpling, and deburring. So, this year, the Van’s prototype shop set up a mini-shop with a compressor, basic air tools, scrap aluminum, and wooden blocks next to their sales tent. They seem to be busy giving mostly on-demand demonstrations and answering questions.
In Case You Missed It
Viewing Dead Cow
Tom Wilson - 2
Whereupon we take in the other airplane races in Nevada while our Lycoming takes in dust.
What You Should Know About Hoses
KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye takes you through a brief tour of the...
Whats New
RV-12 building assistance is available on DVD from HomebuiltHELP; Plane-Power has introduced a new alternator for Continental 520 and 550 engines; WhirlWind announces a new composite, ground-adjustable propeller for the Rotax 912/914 engine.