Builder Spotlight

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Eating the Elephant

One person can’t imagine eating a whole elephant. It’s simply impossible. But the answer to the idiomatic question remains: one bite at a time!

Shop Talk

Master Caution

My original intent for this month’s treatise was to produce the first installment of my upcoming Kitfox build series, which I have been greatly looking forward to. However, as often happens in life, life itself got in the way.

Wanted: Engine Competition

Imagine a time not too long ago when pilots embarking on the delicious endeavor to build their own airplanes could consider multiple sources for just about any engine on the menu.


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In Case You Missed It

Common In-Flight Failures, Part 2

This column is a continuation of common in-flight failures that I began discussing in...

Secondary Flows

Cooling within the engine compartment—oil and accessories.

Coming Back

Returning to the cockpit after a long absence.

Weep No More

When a fuel-tank repair means crafting your own rivets.

Fixed-pitch Props

A major advantage of a fixed-pitch prop is that it is lighter, simpler and cheaper than one with variable pitch.